Invisalign in nassau Bay

What Is Invisalign?

If you have problems with the alignment of your teeth, but you don’t want to get braces in Nassau Bay, Invisalign may be right for you. This is an alternative to braces. Instead of metal brackets and wires, it uses clear, smooth, durable plastic aligners to shift the position of your teeth.

These aligners look similar to a night guard for teeth grinding, or a retainer. Each set of aligners is designed to exert gentle pressure on your teeth. This moves them toward a healthier position. Just like braces, this allows you to correct misaligned teeth, an unhealthy bite, and more. 

However, Invisalign is invisible, removable, and more comfortable compared to braces. Contact your dentist in Nassau Bay or give us a call at (832) 975-0780 to schedule an appointment and see if Invisalign in Nassau Bay is right for you.

Nassau Bay Invisalign

Did you know…

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Invisalign is the most popular type of clear aligner treatment, and has been used by dentists for more than two decades.

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How It Works: The Invisalign Treatment Process

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Initial consultation & Invisalign fitting

To begin the Invisalign process, Dr. Allon will perform an orthodontic exam to determine if it’s right for you. Not every patient qualifies for Invisalign. If she approves you for treatment, she will take impressions and scans of your mouth. You’ll be sent home, and Dr. Allon will begin designing your treatment plan.

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Get your first sets of aligners

After she designs your treatment plan, Dr. Allon will work with Invisalign to build your first several sets of aligners. You’ll come to our office in a few weeks to pick them up, and get instructions on how to wear them.

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Wear your aligners & get checkups

Each set of aligners is usually worn for 20-22 hours per day for a period of 2 weeks. You will switch to new sets of aligners according to Dr. Allon’s instructions. Every 6 weeks or so, you’ll come in for a quick oral exam. Dr. Allon will check your progress, then send you home with your next few sets of aligners.

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Treatment completion & retainers

Once you’ve completed your treatment, you’ll come in for a final oral exam at Dr. Allon will design a set of retainers for you to wear at night. These will ensure your teeth stay in place, and that your smile stays straight and beautiful for years to come.

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The Benefits Of Invisalign

Invisalign is totally invisible when worn. It will not affect your appearance or your speech. This makes it particularly popular for older patients who may want to avoid braces. It’s also more comfortable. Invisalign has no sharp metal components, and tends to cause less discomfort while moving your teeth.

It’s also removable. You can take your aligners out to eat and drink, which means there are no dietary restrictions. You can also take them out to brush and floss, so it’s easier to keep your mouth healthy during treatment.

Candidates For Invisalign

As long as your mouth is healthy and you do not have major orthodontic issues, you can get Invisalign in Nassau Bay. However, if you have severe orthodontic issues, braces may be a better option. Contact us for a consultation with Dr. Liel Allon, and find out if you qualify for Invisalign treatment.

Did you know…

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Dental sedation has been around for centuries.

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Sedation dentistry has so many uses outside of causing patients to feel relaxed. Sedation also reduces gag reflex sensitivity which makes treatments on the rear molars easier to perform. Those with low pain tolerance can also benefit from sedation, as it reduces pain sensitivity.

Patients with severe dental anxiety are likely to avoid dental appointments and neglect necessary treatments. Sedation makes it easier for patients and the dentist to prevent serious oral health problems by reducing stress and memory associated with dental procedures. 

Sedation is useful for children because they are likely to be apprehensive or scared of going to the dentist. Young children are less cooperative and in more complex or long procedures, this can be an issue. Some kids have difficulty holding their mouth open or sitting still for long procedures and sedation helps improve all of these conditions.

Did you know…

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That you should NEVER use teeth to cut or open things.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (832) 975-0780


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Sedation dentistry has so many uses outside of causing patients to feel relaxed. Sedation also reduces gag reflex sensitivity which makes treatments on the rear molars easier to perform. Those with low pain tolerance can also benefit from sedation, as it reduces pain sensitivity.

Patients with severe dental anxiety are likely to avoid dental appointments and neglect necessary treatments. Sedation makes it easier for patients and the dentist to prevent serious oral health problems by reducing stress and memory associated with dental procedures. 

Sedation is useful for children because they are likely to be apprehensive or scared of going to the dentist. Young children are less cooperative and in more complex or long procedures, this can be an issue. Some kids have difficulty holding their mouth open or sitting still for long procedures and sedation helps improve all of these conditions.

Have questions about Invisalign?
Get the answers.

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Is Invisalign Better Than Traditional Braces?

As long as a patient doesn’t have severe or complex tooth alignment or bite problems, then Invisalign can be a better orthodontic option. Invisalign allows adults who want a discreet orthodontic treatment to straighten their teeth under the radar. 

The transparent aligners go unnoticeable. Even patients who need the help of Invisalign attachments to perform more complex tooth movements can feel assured that these tooth buttons are tooth-colored and blend in with their teeth or are covered by the aligners for 22 hours a day.

Invisalign has many advantages over braces in other domains, as well. The removability of the aligners allows patients to eat a restriction-free diet, something braces wearers could only dream of. The ability to take your aligners off so you can brush and floss your teeth makes the treatment more hygienic, too. 

Braces often cause uneven discoloration and cavities because the brackets bonded to the teeth make removing food particles and plaque difficult. Plastic is a much more comfortable and cushiony material than metal, so there is less pain associated with Invisalign treatment than metal braces.

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Can Both Kids and Adults Use Invisalign?

Invisalign is an excellent option for older teenagers and adults who are more concerned about the aesthetic of their smile and who have mild enough orthodontic problems to correct them with clear aligners.

Invisalign offers treatment options for younger children, but we generally only recommend that young children and even some teenagers undergo Invisalign treatment if they are mature enough to comply with the treatment.

This means wearing their aligners for 22 hours a day, following rules like removing aligners before eating and regularly cleaning them. There are multiple concerns with young children straightening their teeth with Invisalign.

Firstly, it’s important that they have lost all of their baby teeth already and that their jaws have fully developed. Secondly, children find it challenging to comply with treatment because they are not as concerned about their appearance and do not invest their money in it.

Children may be tempted to frequently remove their aligners which can impact the effectiveness of their treatment. We will need to determine if a child, teenager, or adult is a good candidate for Invisalign during a consultation.

This will depend on oral health, development, age, and ability to comply with treatment. Patients who do not meet these criteria would be better suited for traditional braces. Children do not need to worry about putting things in or taking them out since braces are bonded to the teeth.

How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?

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Invisalign can take as little as six months to straighten teeth and close small gaps. However, most patients need to wear their aligners for 12 to 18 months, while others will need to wear theirs for even longer.

The length of your treatment depends mainly on the complexity of your case. If you have significantly crooked, overcrowded teeth or a misaligned bite, this will take longer to correct than milder issues. Another factor is your compliance.

If you aren’t wearing your aligners for 22 hours a day, then you are doing yourself a disservice by prolonging your treatment. This isn’t an optional guideline or arbitrary advice. This is the required amount of time you need to wear your aligners for them to shift your teeth on the agreed-upon timeline effectively.