About 20% to 25% of the population never get one or more of their wisdom teeth, and about 35% of people will never develop any wisdom teeth at all!
If your wisdom teeth are not growing properly and you experience symptoms like pain in the rear of your mouth, jaw stiffness, or excessive bleeding or gum inflammation, you may need to have them removed.
Teeth that are broken or knocked loose by dental trauma may need to be extracted and replaced.
If root canals and other such treatments can’t be used to restore decayed or infected teeth, tooth extractions are the only remaining option.
Teeth that have been significantly damaged by chronic gum disease may need to be pulled to help control the infection and relieve pain and discomfort.
No matter what type of extraction you need, Dr. Allon will begin by cleaning and numbing the treatment area. We also offer sedation with nitrous oxide to keep you feeling comfortable.
Once your mouth is fully numb, the treatment will begin. If you need a basic or “simple” extraction for a fully-erupted tooth, Dr. Allon will use special tools to loosen the ligament that holds your tooth into the socket. Then, she will pull out the tooth using special dental forceps.
If you have an impacted (not fully erupted) wisdom tooth, a complex surgical extraction will be required. In this procedure, Dr. Allon will open up the gum tissue near the tooth. Then, the tooth will be cut into small pieces with special dental tools, and extracted through this opening.
Once your procedure is over and the tooth has been removed, the area will be fully cleaned and disinfected, then sutured shut to ensure proper healing.
Dr. Allon will give you a comprehensive set recovery instructions after your procedure at DentAllon Dentistry. Our top tip is to follow these to the letter. They will include everything you need to know about healing and recovering.
In addition, we recommend you take a day or two off of work after your procedure so that you can relax and heal. You’ll also need to eat a diet of mostly soft foods for at least a week, so prepare accordingly.